
Best Buy Moisture Sensor Kit, Rain Gauge Lawn Watering & Tip Magnet | Plant, Grass & Garden Care Store

Moisture Sensor Kit, Rain Gauge Lawn Watering & Tip Magnet | Plant, Grass & Garden Care Specification

  • Simple and effective outdoor kit for lawn & garden
  • NO Batteries Needed! easy to use
  • Moisture meter Outdoor/Indoor Use with instructions
  • Lawn watering guide & tip magnet
  • Rain & Sprinkler Gauge

Moisture Sensor Kit, Rain Gauge Lawn Watering & Tip Magnet | Plant, Grass & Garden Care Overview

***Outdoor Soil Moisture Sensor Kit - This outdoor kit includes the following items:--- Economy 3" rain gauge. Three piece design with 3" tube, yellow base and red wooden stake. Gauge measures rainfall and other precipitation events, such as heavy dew and mist - indicating how much watering you need to do to make up the difference. Avoid unnecessary sprinkler use, save water and save money. A simple and important step in conservation. The basic tool to manage their outdoor water use. --------- ---The Moisture Meter instrument measures the moisture content of soil, indicating when it is time to water your plants. Three various zones are indicated on the top of the meter to indicate the level of moisture needed for various types of plants. Moisture Sensor lets you know the humidity of your soil. The easy to read graduated dial indicates if the soil is dry, moist or wet so that a lawn or garden can be watered accordingly. Save water and save money with this durable conservation aid. Instruction card included for the soil moisture sensor.---- --------- Head / dial constructed of sturdy molded plastic. 8 inch metal stem for penetrating to root level. No batteries or electricity required. Instructions and watering tips printed on back of overleaf. --------- Top 10 Water Saving tips to keep in and around the home. Save water inside and out with this simple and effective magnet. The 2x3.5" magnet is printed in full color, has water saving tips for the home and family. Outdoor Water Saving Tips at a glance, Simple and effective. --------- Lawn watering guide: A handy colorful guide to know when and how to water your lawn. Helpful tips and useful information for conservation. Simple tips and ideas on how to conserve. ********Be sure you are receiving an authentic New Resources Group, WaterSense Partner Product.


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