
Best Buy Digital 4 Way Soil and Light Tester - pH, moisture, temperature and light level Web Store

Digital 4 Way Soil and Light Tester - pH, moisture, temperature and light level Specification

  • 4 in 1 Soil Tester for plants and lawns
  • Measures sunlight (9 levels), soil moisture (5 levels), soil pH (12 levels) and temperature
  • 8 inch long probe
  • 9V battery included, auto shut off after 5 min

Digital 4 Way Soil and Light Tester - pH, moisture, temperature and light level Overview

This is a brand new digital 4 in 1 soil moisture and and light tester. It is great to measure growing conditions for all kinds of plants indoors and outdoors. It can be especially useful in lawn care in determining the soil conditions in different areas of your garden and finding the correct lawn seed.


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